Working Group Members

Hector Leanza, Fac. de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Univ. Nac. de La Plata, 1900 La Plata
Alberto Riccardi, Fac. de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Univ. Nac. de La Plata, 1900 La Plata
Veronica Vennari, Dep. de Ciencias Geologicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires, CONICET
Beatriz Aguirre-Uretta, Dep. de Ciencias Geologicas, Univ. de Buenos Aires, CONICET  

Platon Tchoumatchenko, Geological Institute BAS, Acad. G. Bonchev St., 1113 Sofia
Kristalina Stoykova, Geological Institute BAS, Acad. G. Bonchev St., 1113 Sofia
Iskra Lakova, Geological Institute BAS, Acad. G. Bonchev St., 1113 Sofia
Daria Ivanova, Geological Institute BAS, Acad. G. Bonchev St., 1113 Sofia
Marin Ivanov, Faculty of Geology and Geography, University of Sofia, 1504 Sofia 

Terry P. Poulton, Geological Survey of Canada, Calgary, Alberta, T2L 2Al
Jennifer Galloway, Geological Survey of Canada, Calgary, Alberta, T2L 2Al
James W. Haggart, Geological Survey of Canada, Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 5J3
Edward H. Davies, Branta Biostratigraphy, Calgary, Alberta, T3G 2Z9

Sha Jingeng, Nanjing Institute of Palaeontology and Geology, Nanjing 210008
Li Gang, Nanjing Institute of Palaeontology and Geology, Nanjing 210008
Cao Meizhen, Nanjing Institute of Palaeontology and Geology, Nanjing 210008
Li Jianguo, Nanjing Institute of Palaeontology and Geology, Nanjing 210008
Wan Xiaoqiao, China University of Geosciences, Xueyuan Lu 29, Beijing 100083 

Czech Republic
Petr Pruner, Palaeomagnetic Laboratory, Inst. of Geology ASCR vvi, Praha 6
Petr Schnabl, Palaeomagnetic Laboratory, Inst. of Geology ASCR vvi, Praha 6
Kristyna Cizkovak, Palaeomagnetic Laboratory, Inst. of Geology ASCR vvi, Praha 6
Martin Kostak, Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Charles University, Prague 2, 128 43 
Andrea Svobodova, Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Charles University, Prague 2, 128 43

Peter Alsen, GEUS, Voldgade 10, Copenhagen 1350
Stefan Piacecki, GEUS, Voldgade 10, Copenhagen 1350 

Annie M. Arnaud Vanneau, Maison des Géosciences, LGCA 1381, Grenoble
Silvia Gardin, University Pierre and Marie Curie, ISTeP, UMR 7193, Paris 05
Bruno Galbrun, University Pierre and Marie Curie, ISTeP, UMR 7193, Paris 05
Luc G. Bulot, Univ. de Provence Aix-Marseille 1, Centre de Séd.- Pal., 13331 Marseille
Camille Frau, Biogéosciences, UMR-CNRS 5561, Université de Bourgogne, 21000 Dijon 

Benjamin Sames, Dept für Geodynamik und Sedimentologie, Althanstrasse, 141090 Wien 

István Főzy, Hungarian Natural History Museum, Dept of Palaeontology, 1431 Budapest 

Subhendu Bardhan, Department of Geological Sciences Jadavpur University, Kolkata 70002 
Dhirendra K. Pandey, Department of Geology, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur

Ibrahim Jaza Mohialdeen, Dept of Geology, Univ. of Sulaimani, P.O.Box 334, Sulaimani

Gloria Andreini, Dip. di Scienze della Terra, Università degli Studi di Perugia, 06123 Perugia
Guido Parisi, Dip. di Scienze della Terra, Università degli Studi di Perugia, 06123 Perugia
Fabio Speranza, Instituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Roma 2, I-00143 Roma
Sara Satolli, Dip. di Ing. e Geologia, Università “G. D’Annunzio” di Chieti-Pescara, Chieti.
Cristina Casellato, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Univ. Milano, 34 20133 Milano
Elisabetta Erba, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Univ. Milano, 34 20133 Milano

Rafael Lopez-Martinez, Inst. de Geología, Univ. Nac. Aut. de México, Coyoacán 04510
Ricardo Barragan¸ Inst. de Geología, Univ. Nac. Aut. de México, Coyoacán 04510 

Khand Yondon, Palaeontological Centre, Mongolian Acad. of Sciences, 63 Ulaanbataar

Mohamed Benzaggagh, Univ. Moulay Ismail, Dépt de Géologie, BP 11201, Zitoune, Meknès 

Roel Verreussel, TNO - Geol. Survey of Netherlands, P.O. Box 80015, NL-3508 TA, Utrecht
Dirk Munsterman, TNO - Geol. Surv. of Netherlands, P.O. Box 80015, NL-3508 TA, Utrecht
Philip Hoedemaeker, National Museum of Natural History, P.O.Box 9517, 2300 RA Leiden

Jacek Grabowski, Institute of Geology, Ul. Rakowiecka 4, 00-975 Warsaw
Andrzej Pszczółkowski, Inst. of Geol. Sci., Polish Acad. of Sc., Twarda 51/55, 00-818 Warsaw
Andrzej Wierzbowski, Institute of Geology, Ul. Rakowiecka 4, 00-975 Warsaw

Valentina Markevich, Fed. Inst. of Biol. and Soil Science, Russian Acad. Sci., Vladivostok
Eugenia Bugdaeva, Fed. Inst. of Biol. and Soil Science, Russian Acad. Sci., Vladivostok
Viktor Nechaev, Far East Geological Institute, Far East. Branch, RAS, 690022 Vladivostok 
Oksana Dzuba, Trofimuk Inst. of Geology & Geophysics, RAS, 630090 Novosibirsk
Ekaterina Pestchevitskaya, Trofimuk Inst. of Geol. & Geophysics, RAS, 630090 Novosibirsk
Vladimir Arkad’ev, Dept of Dyn. & Hist. Geology, St Petersburg State Univ., St Petersburg
Valery Vuks, All-Russian Geological Res. Institute (VSEGEI), 199106 St Petersburg
Andrey Guzhikov, Chernyshevsky Saratov State University, 410012 Saratov
Yevgenij Baraboshkin, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119992 Moscow
Mikhail Rogov, Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 119017 Moscow
Viktor Zakharov, Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 119017 Moscow 
Vasily Mitta, Borissiak Paleontological Institute, RAS, Profsoyuznaya ul. 123, 117997 Moscow

Federico Oloriz, Dep. de Estratigrafia y Paleontologia, Univ. de Granada, 18071 Granada

Eva Halasova, Dept Geology & Palaeontology, Comenius University, 84215 Bratislava
Daniela Rehakova. Dept Geology & Palaeontology, Comenius University, 84215 Bratislava
Otilia Lintnerova, Dept of Economic Geology, Comenius University, 84215 Bratislava
Jozef Michalik, Geological Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 84005 Bratislava

Vivi Vajda, Department of Geology, Lund University, 223 62 Lund

Pierre Olivier Mojon, Rue de l‘Industrie 11, 2316 Les Ponts-de-Martel, Switzerland

Ismail Omer Yilmaz, Dept of Geol. Eng,, Middle East Tech. University, 06800 Ankara, Turkey

Vladimir Bakhmutov, Institute of Geophysics, NAS Ukraine, 03680 Kyiv

United Kingdom
James Riding, British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottingham, NG12 5GG
Christopher Hunt, School of Geography, Queens University Belfast, Belfast, BT7 1NN
Peter Rawson, University of Hull, Scarborough Campus, Scarborough, YO11 3AZ
Paul Bown, Earth Sciences, University College London, London, WC1 6BT
Philip Copestake, Merlin Energy Resources Ltd., New Street, Ledbury, Herefordshire, HR8 2EJ, UK
William A.P. Wimbledon, School of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1RJ

James Ogg, Earth and Atmospheric Science, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907
Joyce Lucas-Clark, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California 94132
Ignacio Pujana, Dept of Geosciences, Univ. of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX75080-3021